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Businesses Must Look Beyond Third-Party Cookies, Experts Advise

Businesses Must Look Beyond Third-Party Cookies, Experts Advise

Sydney, Australia – In a development stirring much debate within the advertising sector, Google has backtracked on its plan to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome. This unexpected pivot offers temporary relief for marketers dependent on these cookies for targeting audiences and refining ad personalisation.

Despite this reprieve, the shifting digital privacy landscape and the sporadic attempts to phase out cookies in recent years compel businesses to reassess their data strategies. Kat Warboys, Senior Marketing Director APAC at HubSpot, weighs in on the necessity for enterprises to adopt a more sustainable and reliable approach to data management.

"Google's recent decision may seem like a small victory for advertisers, but it really highlights a significant shift within our industry,” remarked Warboys. “Relying on third-party data has been all too common, yet regardless of the status of cookies, the real future of impactful marketing is rooted in the effective use of first-party data."

The Shift to First-Party Data

With rising concerns about privacy and data security, consumers are increasingly cautious about how their personal information is handled by third parties. This trend has escalated expectations for personalisation and service, which only first-party data can satisfactorily meet.

"Companies must now prioritise establishing direct connections with their customers instead of depending on second-hand insights," stressed Warboys. "First-party data is not only more precise and relevant but also complies with stringent regulatory demands that emphasise consumer privacy."

The Impact on Digital Marketing

Moving away from third-party cookies poses challenges, spurring marketers to pioneer new data collection and analysis methods. This shift includes investing in technologies that bolster customer relationship management and personalisation tactics that respect user privacy.

"The digital marketing landscape is unmistakably evolving," Warboys noted. "Those organisations that can effectively utilise first-party data will undoubtedly lead the pack, providing more personalised, impactful, and ultimately more successful marketing campaigns."

Future-Proofing Marketing Strategies

As the realm of digital marketing evolves, adapting to these shifts is not merely advantageous—it’s crucial for survival. The focus on acquiring and applying first-party data underscores the necessity for businesses to become more adaptable and responsive to consumer expectations and privacy norms.


While the continuation of third-party cookies by Google might offer some short-term respite, the imperative for a strong first-party data strategy has never been more apparent. As businesses and marketers navigate this changing terrain, the trend will surely lean towards more sustainable and consumer-centric practices that ensure enduring success and compliance.